Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Aircraft LPV Approaches Explained

Aircraft LPV Approaches ExplainedAircraft LPV Approaches ExplainedA localizer performance with vertical guidance (LPV) approach is a modern aviation instrument approach procedure that uses the wide area augmentation system (WAAS)and very precise GPS capabilities to attain an airplanes position. LPV offers the most accurate aviation position available today. An LPV approach can get a pilot down to a mere 200-foot or 250-foot decision altitude. The benefit is that this makes it possible for aircraft to land at runways in very low visibility. Without WAAS capabilities (i.e., without the ability to fly the LPV approach) deplorable visibility conditions at the airport may force the pilot to fly to an alternate and less desirable airport. In general, LPV approaches, and WAAS-capable aircraft, open up new (previouslyunavailable) options for pilots. With properly-equipped aircraft, aircraft operators can save time, and money, by using WAAS because it is an extremely precise navigational aid. In addition, aircraft pilots equipped with LPV can complete landings at airports they could bedrngnis possibly have landed before, such as remote airfields. Theyre also able to make approaches not easily supported by radio navigation, in weather that is worse than theyre accustomed to. Instead of relying on radio navigation, pilots can count on an extremely precise and stable satellite navigation system. It is the precision of this type of navigation that allows pilots to descend to lower altitudes (without the usual visual references) or while still flying in the clouds. How LPV Works An LPV approach is similar to an LNAV/VNAV approach, but is more precise and can allow descent to minimums of 200-250 feet. WAAS capabilities are required for precise lateral and vertical guidance, classifying it as a precision approach. On the other hand, the LNAV/VNAV approach is non-precision. In fact, an LPV approach is almost identical to an instrument landing system (ILS) but is more accura te because it utilizes modern-day satellite technology. Also, no expensive ground equipment is necessary which means that there is less downtime and outages. This also means that the cost is less because there is no equipment and no regular maintenance involved. How WAAS Works The WAAS takes the error out of standard GPS signals by analyzing the GPS data at a master station and then sending the corrected data information to GPS receivers. The receivers, in turn, can remove any GPS errors. This process makes the GPS information even more error-proof and allows for a much more precise result. Why WAAS Is Better GPS accuracy is improved from what would be 100 meters with regular GPS tafelgeschirr to about seven meters with WAAS. This leaves hardly any room for error and provides the most precise navigational tool to date. The benefits of WAAS to the national airspace system as a whole are huge. These benefits include increasing capacity, being able to utilize runways more effi ciently, reducing equipment costs (both onboard and on the ground), and, last but not least, increasing approach capabilities for all kinds of aircraft.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

30 behaviors that will make you feel unstoppable

30 behaviors that will make you feel unstoppable30 behaviors that will make you feel unstoppableA lot of people are good at what they do. Some are even elite. A select few are completely unstoppable.Those who are unstoppable are in their own world. They dont compete with anyone but themselves. You never know what they will do only that you will be forced to respond. Even though they dont compete with you, they make you compete with them.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraAre you unstoppable? By the end of this blog you will be.Lets get started1. Dont think know and act.Dont think. You already know what you have to do, and you know how to do it. Whats stopping you? - Tim GroverRather than analyzing and thinking, act. Attuned to your senses, and with complete trust in yourself, do what you instinctively feel you should. As Oprah has said, Every right decision I have ever made has co me from my gut. Every wrong decision Ive made welches the result of me elendlage listening to the greater voice of myself.The moment you start thinking, youve already lost. Thinking swiftly pulls you out of the zone.2. Always be prepared so you have the freedom to act on instinct.Just as the yin-yang symbol possesses a kernel of light in the dark, and of dark in the light, creative leaps are grounded in a technical foundation. - Josh WaitzkinBecome a master of your craft. While everyone else is relaxing, youre practicing and perfecting. Learn the left-brained rules in and out so your right brain can have limitless freedom to break the rules and create.With enhanced consciousness, time will slow down for you. Youll binnensee things in several more frames than others. While theyre trying to react to the situation, youll be able to manipulate and tweak the situation to your liking.3. Dont forget your WHY on the path of success.While pursuing big dreams, its easy to get caught up in th e day-to-day weeds. If you dont continually remind yourself WHY youre doing this, and WHY its important to you and other people, then youll get lost.Additionally, as you become successful, dont forget WHY youre really doing this. Having nice things is, well, nice. But for you, its never been about the money, prestige or anything else outside of you. Take ansicht things away and nothing changes for you. Youre still going to be pushing your personal limits and giving it your all. Give ansicht things to you and they wont destroy you like they do most people.4. Never be satisfied.The way to enjoy life best is to wrap up one goal and start right on the next one. Dont linger too long at the table of success, the only way to enjoy another meal is to get hungry. - Jim RohnEven after you achieve a goal, youre not content. For you, its not even about the goal. Its about the climb to see how far you can push yourself.Does this make you ungrateful? Absolutely not. Youre entirely humbled and gr ateful for everything in your life. Which is why you will never get complacent or lazy.5. Always be in control.Addictions embody repetition without progress. They produce incapacity as a payoff.? - ? Steven PressfieldUnlike most people, who are dependent on substances or other external factors, you are in control of what you put in your body, how you spend your time and how long you stay in the zone.Act based on instinct, not impulse. Just because you could doesnt mean you do. And when you do, its because you want to, not because you have to.6. Be true to yourself.Although 70 percent of US employees hate their jobs and only one in three Americans report being happy, relentless and unstoppable people purge everything from their life they hate.Have the self-respect and confidence to live life on your terms. When something isnt right in your life, change it. Immediately.7. Never let off the pressure.Pressure can bust pipes, but it also can make diamonds. - Robert HorryMost people can handle pressure in small doses. But when left to their own devices, they let off the pressure and relax.Not you. You never take the pressure off yourself. Instead, you continuously turn-up the pressure. Its what keeps you alert and active.8. Dont be afraid of the consequences of failure.The idea of trying and still failing of leaving yourself without excuses is the worst fear within the fixed mindset. - Dr. Carol DweckMost people stay close to the ground, where its safe. If they fall, it wont hurt that bad. But when you choose to fly high, the fall may kill you. And youre OK with that. To you, there is no ceiling and there is no floor. Its all in your head. If something goes wrong if you fail you adjust and keep going.9. Dont compete with others. Make them compete with you.Most people are competing with other people. They continuously check-in to see what others in their space (their competition) are doing. As a result, they mimic and copy whats working.Conversely, youve left all c ompetition behind. Competing with others makes absolutely zero sense to you. It pulls you from your authentic zone. So you zone out all the external noise and instead zone into your internal pressure to produce.10. Never stop learning.Anyone who isnt embarrassed of who they were last year probably isnt learning enough. - ? Alain de BottonOrdinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning. If youre pursuing a bigger future, then youll be failing a lot. If youre failing a lot, then youre learning and transforming and reshaping your brain.When you look back every 90 days at your progress by measuring THE GAIN rather than THE GAP youll be stunned at all youve learned and accomplished. Youll look back and be blown away by where you were and who you were. And how far youve come. This will bolster your confidence to continue stretching forward with greater imaginative leaps.11. Success isnt enough it only increases the pressure.I firmly believe you never s hould spend your time being the former anything. - Condoleezza RiceFor most people, becoming successful is enough. At some point or another, they stop focusing on the future and become content with a particular status theyve acquired. The status, it turns out, welches what they were really after.However, when youre relentless, success only increases the pressure to do more. Immediately following the achievement of a goal, youre focused on your next challenge. Rather than a status, youre interested in continuous growth, which always requires you to detach from your prior status and identity.12. Dont get crushed by success.Success can become a catalyst for failure. - Greg McKeownMost people cant handle success, authority or privilege. It destroys them. It makes them lazy. When they get what they want, they stop doing the very things that got them there. The external noise becomes too intense.But for you, no external noise can push harder than your own internal pressure. Its not abou t this achievement, but the one after, and the one after that. There is no destination. Only when youre finished.13. Completely own it when you screw up.Implementing extreme ownership requires checking your selbst and operating with a high degree of humility. Admitting mistakes, taking ownership and developing a plan to overcome challenges are integral to any successful team. ? Jocko WillinkNo blame. No deception or illusion. Just the cold hard truth. When you mess up, you own it. And as the leader, you own it when your team fails. Only with extreme ownership can you have complete freedom and control.14. Let your work speak for itself.Well done, is well said. - Anthony LiccioneCal Newports recent book, Deep Work, distinguishes deep work from shallow work. Heres the differenceDeep work isRareHigh valueAnd non-replicable (i.e., not easy to copy/outsource)Shallow work isCommonLow valueReplicable (i.e., anyone can do it)Talking is shallow. Anyone can do it. Its easily replicated. Its l ow value. Conversely, deep work is rare. Its done by people who are focused and working while everyone else is talking. Deep work is so good it cant be ignored. It doesnt need words. It speaks for itself.15. Always work on your mental strength.Mental resilience is arguably the most critical trait of a world-class performer, and it should be nurtured continuously. Left to my own devices, I am always looking for ways to become more and more psychologically impregnable. When uncomfortable, my instinct is not to avoid the discomfort but to become at peace with it. My instinct is always to seek out challenges as opposed to avoiding them. - Josh WaitzkinThe better you can be under pressure, the further youll go than anyone else. Because theyll crumble under pressure.The best training you will ever do is mental training. Wherever your mind goes, your body follows. Wherever your thoughts go, your life follows.16. Confidence is your greatest asset.A recent meta-analysis shows that most peop le misunderstand confidence. Confidence doesnt lead to high performance. Rather, confidence is a by-product of previous performance.Confidence and phantasie go hand-in-hand. The more confidence you have, based on small/large wins from your past, the more imaginative you can be with your future.Hence, your confidence determinesThe size of challenges/goals you undertake (imagination)How likely you will achieve those goals (commitment)How well you bounce back from failures (flexibility)17. Surround yourself with people who remind you of the future, not the past.When you surround yourself with people who remind you of your past, youll have a hard time progressing. This is why we get stuck in certain roles, which we cant break free from (e.g., the fat kid or shy girl).Surrounding yourself with people who you want to be like allows you a fresh slate. Youre no longer defined by your past, only the future you are creating.18. Let things go, learn your lessons.You can have a great deal of ex perience and be no smarter for all the things youve done, seen, and heard. Experience alone is no guarantee of lifetime growth. But if you regularly transform your experiences into new lessons, you will make each day of your life a source of growth. The smartest people are those who can transform even the smallest events or situations into breakthroughs in thinking and action. - Dan Sullivan and Catherine NomuraBeing unstoppable requires carrying no unnecessary mental or emotional baggage. Consequently, youll need to immediately and completely forgive anyone who has wronged you. However, forgiveness doesnt mean you forget. Instead, it means you integrate your new experiences into your daily approach so that you learn from your experiences and dont repeat them.19. Have clear goals.While a fixation on results is certainly unhealthy, short-term goals can be useful developmental tools if they are balanced within a nurturing long-term philosophy. - Josh WaitzkinAccording to loads of ps ychology research, the most motivating goals are clearly defined and time-bound.Your goals can either be focused on your process/behaviors (e.g., Im going to exercise 5 days per week) or on the outcomes youre seeking (e.g., Im going to have 10 percent body fat by October 2019).For most people, behaviorally-focused goals are the better and more motivating option. But when you crave the results so much that the work is irrelevant, your aim should be directed straight at the outcomes you want.Without question, the human brain appreciates tangible things to focus on. Numbers and events, according to Dan Sullivan, are candy for the brain. I agree. Goals framed as numbers and events are more powerful.Numbers can be both process-oriented and results-orientedI will workout 60 minutes 4 times per week (and at least 150 times per year)I will be able to run 10 miles in under 90 minutes by October 2019The first bullet above is process-oriented, the second bullet is results-oriented.You can actu ally turn the second bullet above into a tangible event, which can create anticipation and excitement.By October 2019, I will have run 10 miles in under 90 minutes on the beach and afterward, eat at my favorite restaurantEvents can cause transformational experiences that upgrade your subconscious mindset. Events can be immersive and deeply memorable and by creating deep memories, you shutter your former belief system.As an example, my wife and I are currently trying to improve our marriage and connection. We are attending therapy and setting goals.One of the EVENTS I want to create an experience with Lauren this year is to fly to Chicago and eat dinner at Alinea, a famous restaurant in Chicago weve both been wanting to go to. Given that we now have five kids and are super busy, it would be very easy to push that desired experience off.But when youre truly living your life, you dont push stuff like that off. In other words, you dont build your dreams around your life. Your build your life around your dreams. You dont hesitate.So, well schedule it, buy our plane tickets, and then figure out how to make it real. If you dont initiate action first, then youll always be left waiting for the perfect moment. Its best to put yourself in a position where you must act. In my book, Willpower Doesnt Work, I called these types of initiations that compel forward progress, forcing functions.20. Respond immediately, rather than analyzing or stalling.He who hesitates is lost. - CatoThe anticipation of an event is always more extreme than the event itself both for positive and negative events.Just do it. Train yourself to respond immediately when you feel you should do something. Stop questioning yourself. Dont analyze it. Dont question if it came from God or from yourself. Just act.Youll figure out what to do after youve taken action. Until you take action, it will all be hypothetical. But once you act, it becomes practical.21. Choose simplicity over complication.If you cant e xplain it simply, you dont understand it well enough. - Albert EinsteinIts easy to be complicated. Most of the research and jargon in academia and business is over-complicated.Cutting to the core and hitting the truth is hard because its simple. As Leonardo da Vinci has said, Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.Very few people will give you the truth. When you ask them a question, it gets mighty complicated. There are so many variables or It depends, they say.T. S. Eliot said it best, Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?Wisdom is timeless and simple. Learn wisdom and choose it.22. Never be jealous or envious of someone elses accomplishments.Being unstoppable means you genuinely want whats best for everyone even those you would consider your competitors. Jealousy and envy are the ego - which operates out of fear.The reason you are happy for other peoples success is because their success has nothing to do with you.Y ou are in control of you. And you are different from every other person. There is no one who can do exactly what you can do. You have your own superpower with your own unique ability to contribute. And thats what youre going to do.23. Take the shot every time.If I fail more than you, I win. - Seth GodinYou miss every shot you dont take. And most people dont want to take the shot. Fear of failure paralyzes them.The only way you can become unstoppable is if you stop thinking about it. Just take the shot. Dont do it only when its convenient or when you feel ready. Just go and make whatever adjustments you need after the fact.Heres whats crazy you dont actually know which shots will go in. Ive found this over and over. By being consistent, for example, at posting blogs, Ive been shocked at which ones have gone viral. Almost always, its not the one youd expect. But it would never happen if I wasnt just taking shots.Are you taking shots every day?Are you trying stuff that could potential ly fail?At some point or another, life does kind of just become a numbers game. You have to be great at what you do. But you also have to stack the odds in your favor.24. Seek results, but dont get caught up in them. This will keep you stuck living in the past.Knowledge comes from the past, so its safe. It is also out of date. Its the opposite of originality. Experience is built from solutions to old situations and problems. This is lazy. Experience is the opposite of being creative. If you can prove youre right youre set in concrete. You cannot move with the times or with other people. Your mind is closed. You are not open to new ideas. - Paul ArdenWhen you start doing noteworthy stuff, there are benefits that can become distractions. It can get easy to ride the wave of your previous work. Keep practicing. Perfect your craft. Never forget what got you here. Results are based in the past. Dont get stuck in a status.25. Think and act 10X.When 10X is your measuring stick, you immedia tely see how you can bypass what everyone else is doing. - Dan SullivanMost people even those you deem to be world class are not operating at 10X. In truth, you could surpass anyone if you radically stretch your thinking and belief system.Going 10X changes everything. As Dan Sullivan has said, 10X thinking automatically takes you outside the box of your present obstacles and limitations. It pulls you out of the problems most people are dealing with and opens you to an entirely new field of possibilities.When you take your goal of earning $100,000 this year and change it to $1,000,000, youre forced to operate at a different level. The logical and traditional approach doesnt work with 10X. As Shane Snow, author ofSmartcuts How Hackers, Innovators, and Icons Accelerate Success, has said, 10x progress is built on bravery and creativity instead. Working smarter.The question is Are you willing to go there? Not just entertain the thought for a second or two and then revert back to common thinking. No. Are you willing to sit with 10X thinking? Are you willing to question your own thought processes and open yourself to believing an entirely different set of possibilities?Could you convince yourself to believe in your 10X potential? Are you willing to undertake goals that seem lunacy, to you and everyone else? Are you willing to take the mental leap, trusting the universe will conspire to make it happen?26. Set goals that far exceed your current capabilities.You need to aim beyond what you are capable of. You need to develop a complete disregard for where your abilities end. If you think youre unable to work for the best company in its sphere, make that your aim. If you think youre unable to be on the cover of TIME magazine, make it your business to be there. Make your vision of where you want to be a reality. Nothing is impossible. - Paul ArdenIf your goals are logical, they wont force you to create luck. Being unstoppable means your goals challenge you to be someone more than you currently are. As Jim Rohn has said, Dont wish it was easier, wish you were better.27. Make time for recovery and rejuvenation.Wherever you are, make sure youre there. - Dan SullivanWhen you focus on results, rather than being busy, youre 100 percent on when youre working and 100 percent off when youre not. This not only allows you to be present in the moment, but it allows you the needed time to rest and recover.Your ability to work at a high level is like fitness. If you never take a break between sets, you wont be able to build strength, stamina, and endurance. However, not all rest produces recovery. Certain things are more soothing than others.Recovering from my work generally consists of writing in my journal, listening to music, spending time with my wife and kids, preparing and eating delicious food, or serving other people. These things rejuvenate me. They make my work possible, but also meaningful.28. Start before youre ready.The best time to plant a tree w as 20 years ago. The second best time is now. - Chinese ProverbMost people wait. They believe they can start after they have enough time, money, connections and credentials. They wait until they feel secure. Not people who are unstoppable.Unstoppable people started last year. They started five years ago before they even knew what they were doing. They started before they had any money. They started before they had all the answers. They started when no one else believed in them. The only permission they needed was the voice inside them prompting them to move forward. And they moved.29. If you need permission, you probably shouldnt do it.A berater of mine is a highly successful real estate investor. Throughout his career, hes had hundreds of people ask him if they should go into real-estate.He tells every one of them the same thing that they shouldnt do it. In fact, he actually tries talking most of them out of it. And in most cases, he succeeds.Why would he do that? Those who are go ing to succeed will do so regardless of what I say, he told me.I know so many people who chase whatever worked for other people. They never truly decide what they want to do, and end up jumping from one thing to the next trying to strike quick gold. And repetitively, they stop digging just a few feet from the gold after resigning the spot is barren.No one will ever give you permission to live your dreams.30. Dont make exceptions.Zig Ziglar used to tell a story of traveling one day and not getting in bed until 4 a.m. An hour and a half later (530), his alarm went off. He said, Every fiber of my being was telling me to stay in bed. But he had made a commitment, so he got up anyway. Admittedly, he had a horrible day and wasnt productive at all.Yet, he says that decision changed his life. As he explainsHad I bowed to my human, physical, emotional and mental desire to sleep in, I would have made that exception. A week later, I might have made an exception if I only got four hours of slee p. A week later, maybe I only got seven hours of sleep. The exception so many times becomes the rule. Had I slept in, I wouldve faced that danger. Watch those exceptionsHence, Zig was unstoppable.ConclusionWhen youre unstoppable, you will make sure to get what you want. Everything you need to know is already within you. All you need to do is trust yourself and act.Are you unstoppable?Ready to upgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThis article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

All You Need to Know About Healthcare Finance Jobs

All You Need to Know About Healthcare Finance JobsAll You Need to Know About Healthcare Finance JobsRunning a successful healthcare organization involves saving and improving lives, along with promoting quality care and patient satisfaction. In order to succeed, its business operations need to run smoothly, too. Thats where healthcare finance jobs come in.Hospitals and other healthcare providers use the same accounting and finance professionals as other companies, but in this dynamic industry, theyre also dealing with issues of growing patient loads, cost transparency, reimbursement, profitability and revenue integrity. Specialists in billing and collections are essential. They also need revenue cycle management and analysis, involving claims processing, payment and revenue generation.What does that mean for the accounting, finance or revenue cycle professionals who work (or want to work) in healthcare finance jobs? And what does it mean for the managers who hire them? Lets take a lo ok.Continued employment growthEmployment in healthcare is on the rise, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the industry continues to add new jobs. Several factors are contributing to growth in the healthcare industryA larger aging population that needs more medical servicesA shift from a fee-for-service payment model to value-based care, where doctors are reimbursed for the quality, efficiency and coordination of care they provideA greater number of people who have insurance coverage, including MedicareThe need to adopt and manage healthcare compliance mandates in this highly regulated, high-risk industryA call to reduce the cost of care while increasing qualityAn increase in mergers and acquisitions with consolidations of nonprofit and for-profit hospital operatorsSEARCH HEALTHCARE JOBSA closer look at demand and salaryFrom an accounting and finance perspective, the functional roles in the greatest demand are financial, data and business analysts, especially in hospita ls and larger organizations. Job candidates with both healthcare and financial analysis backgrounds are hired virtually on the spot - if they can be found, according to the 2019 Robert Half Salary Guide for Accounting and Finance Professionals.In the revenue cycle, the greatest requests are for medical billing professionals, denials specialists, medical collections specialists and payment posters. The midpoint salary (or median national salary) for a medical collections specialist is $33,750, and for a medical biller, $34,250, according to the Salary Guide. For those in supervisory roles, such as a medical collections manager, the midpoint salary is $61,000, and for a medical billing manager, $62,250.Use ur Salary Calculator to calculate salaries for healthcare finance jobs in your city.Getting started in healthcare finance jobsFor candidates looking to move into healthcare finance, industry experience is preferred but not always required. One way to break in is to get involved wit h professional organizations specific to healthcare, such as the American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management (AAHAM) and start building a network.Gathering information about whats happening in healthcare can help in the job interview process. Lets say you know that reducing the cost of care is a major initiative. A good differentiator during the interview would be to provide examples of how your skill set could help an organization accomplish that goal.Technical skills such as knowledge of Microsoft Access or Excel are a plus. Big data skills can increase your worth exponentially. Another thing to consider is that when organizations implement new technology, they need to get staff up to speed as quickly as possible. If you have an opportunity to be part of a project team where you could become a subject-matter expert in one or more areas of technology, the experience can be extremely valuable.What about potential career paths?The pairing of healthcare with accountin g and finance can lead to a lot of different areas and jobs, including temporary ones, that can make for a progressive and lasting career.Within the revenue cycle, someone could start as a medical billing professional and work up to be a supervisor and then become a manager, director, even vice president of revenue cycle. Its the same type of career progression for accounting staff accountant to accounting manager, controller, director of accounting, CFO - or, on the financial side analyst to senior financial analyst, manager, director, vice president and CFO.What qualities should healthcare hiring managers seek?Healthcare organizations should look for candidates who are analytical and able to process a lot of information. The ability to identify trends and patterns that allow for better performance is also critical. Employers should try to find those who are naturally curious, who ask, Why is this happening here but not over here? and then are able to dive in, figure out whats hap pening and act on it.As for specific credentials or degrees, people with all sorts of educational backgrounds find themselves in healthcare finance jobs. Some of the most common degrees are in accounting, finance, healthcare administration, mathematics and economics.Specialized healthcare staffingThe Robert Half Healthcare Practice has served for years as the go-to partner for providers, payers and other healthcare organizations looking for specialized administrative, accounting, finance and revenue cycle talent.REQUEST HEALTHCARE FINANCE STAFFING

Monday, December 16, 2019

Air Force Security Forces - Phoenix Raven

Air Force Security Forces - Phoenix RavenAir Force Security Forces - Phoenix RavenAir Mobility Commands Phoenix Raven program, implemented in 1997, consists of teams of specially trained security forces personnel dedicated to providing security for AMC aircraft that transit high terrorist and criminal threat areas. They have the nickname of Murder Crews from the term given to a flock of ravens. They are not considered to be a Special Operations Force, but they are an elite, specialized group. Mission of Phoenix Raven The Phoenix Raven program ensures an acceptable level of close-in security for aircraft transiting airfields where security is unknown or plus-rechnenal security is needed to counter local threats. Concept of Operations Teams of two to four specially trained and equipped security forces personnel deploy as aircrew members on AMC missions as designated by the AMC Threat Working Group. The Raven teams help detect, deter and counter threats to AMC aircraft by perfor ming close-in aircraft security advising aircrews on force protection measures conducting airfield assessments, and assisting aircrews in the performance of their duties when not performing their primary security duties. Phoenix Raven teams work on all types of AMC airliftmissions including theater support missions, contingencies, exercises or deployments. Other Air Force major commands, including Air Force Special Operations Command, Air Combat Command, Air Education and Training Command, Pacific Air Forces and U.S. Air Forces in Europe have sent a select number of security force members to AMCs Phoenix Raven training course. In addition to those missions specifically identified by the AMC/TWG, wing commanders may also direct Phoenix Raven teams accompany home-station airlift and tanker missions. Ultimately, however, a Phoenix Raven team on an airlift mission is an assigned aircrew member and reports to the aircraft commander. Organization of Phoenix Raven Program The HQ AMC D irector of Security Forces is the focal point for all Phoenix Raven operations supporting AMC airlift operations. On behalf of the AMC/SF Director, a Phoenix Raven Program Manager serves within the staff as the interface between the headquarters staff and the units. In addition to the Raven Program Manager, the AMC/SF Contingency Branch coordinates with other major commands and Air Reserve Component Security Forces to ensure Raven-trained personnel are available at overseas en route locations to support AMC missions unexpectedly diverted. AMC has over 200 active-duty Raven trained security forces members assigned to bases nationwide. A small portion of the trained force is maintained at Little Rock AFB and Dyess AFB and limited bases within the European and Pacific Theaters. Besides the active-duty corps, the AFRES and ANG community also maintain Raven trained personnel to support their significant contribution to the airlift missions throughout the world. Training for Phoenix Ra ven The Phoenix Ravens sole training course is conducted by the 421st Ground Combat Readiness Squadron at the United States Air Force Expeditionary Center at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.The intensive three-week 12 hour a day course covers such subjects as cross-cultural awareness, legal considerations, embassy operations, airfield survey techniques, explosive ordnance awareness, aircraft searches, and unarmed self-defense techniques. Phoenix Raven training is designed to provide security forces members with the skills required for their unique mission and builds on the basic security force skills taught at the SF academy. The first Ravens graduated AMWC in February 1997. Since then, more than 2000 Air Force security forces have graduated from the Phoenix Raven Course. Upon graduation, graduates are issued a lifetime numeric identifier for their accomplishment. History of Phoenix Raven In the aftermath of the Khobar Towers bombing in 1996 and as a result of other serio us events around the world, the former AMCCommander Gen Walter knackig implemented the Phoenix Raven Program in February 1997. Since then, Ravens from within the command and Raven-trained security forces from outside the command, have accompanied AMC missions to international hot spots around the globe and served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recognition As a group, the Phoenix Raven program has been identified for the innovative approach to force protection. In 1999, the program earned honors as DoDs Most Outstanding Antiterrorism Innovation or Action in the command category. The program also received the Federal Executive Board (St. Louis Chapter) Year 2000 Team Performance Award. Since the Phoenix Raven has been an integral part of the Threat Working Group process, AMC Staff Members have been honored for their contribution to the Air Force and AMC intelligence community for planning and executing Phoenix Raven missions. In addition to program management awards, three members assi gned to AMC/SF were awarded the Air Forces Outstanding Intelligence Contributor Award.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

New study Millennials earning more at their age than past generations

New study Millennials earning more at their age than past generationsNew study Millennials earning more at their age than past generationsMillennials may be in debt but theyre making more than ever before.Millennial-headed households meaning young people aged 22 to 37 now earn more than young adult households have at almost any other time in the last 50 years, according to Pew Research Centers analysis of new census data. (An exception welches a low point for earnings overall in 2011.)In 2017, the median adjusted income in a household headed by a Millennial was $69,000, higher than almost any other year on record. (In 2000, households headed by people ages 22-27 earned about $67,6000, adjusted for inflation). (Not quite the amount they need to feel happy, but getting there).One reason for the increase is that Millennial women are leading the charge young women are working more and being compensated better than in previous years. In 2017, women in Millennial households worked more than those in 2000. Amongst those Millennial women who did work in 2017, 78% of them worked at least 50 weeks out of the year.Young adult women are also being paid slightly more women working full time for an entire year found their median earnings rising from $37,100 to 2000 to $39,000 in 2017.But its not all good newsStill, while Millennial households may have been found to be out-earning their past selves, theyre still behind what Boomers were making at their age, the Federal Reserve has found.According to the paper, the real average full-time labor earnings of a Millennial male household head in 2014 were over 10% lower than those for a comparable male Baby Boomer household head in 1978.And they still hadnt caught up by 2016 In that year, the average real net worth of Millennial households was about $92,000, around 20% less than Baby Boomer households in 1989 and nearly 40% less than Generation X households in 2001, according to the paper. Contradictory to the Pew Research ana lysis, this suggested lower earnings it also took into account an unprecedented amount of debt, including student loans.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Key Pieces of Resume Template Download

Key Pieces of Resume Template Download The 5-Minute Rule for Resume Template Download Its high-quality PSD file is totally customizable. Create an articulate resume with professional layouts you are able to customize to suit your wants. Sometimes all you will need is a timeless style schablone thats clean, clear and right to the point. The Illustrator file makes the the majority of colour to help its simplicity. If youre searching for a more traditional resume vorlage that still creates a bold impression, take a look at this creation from Finish designer Mats-Peter Forss. Resume templates are one method to guarantee structure behind your resume. Our creative templates let you stick out from the crowd. The Pain of Resume Template Download The web has affected peoples reading behavior through the years. Getting the most of a resource that wont only help save you time, but is demonstrated to elevate your opportunity of scoring a work simply is reasonable. You dont need to mak e the error of leaving any important information out. 1 thing a lot of people dont understand about writing resumes is you have to be certain it has each of the pertinent information to assist you get hired. How to Choose Resume Template Download Try to remember, as soon as youve finished personalizing your resume, youre not prepared to fill out an application yet. Creating a resume with the assistance of a template can help you become mindful of the resume areas that you have to fill. Should you need instructions about how to use and edit the document, a comprehensive help file is contained in the download. It is extremely important for them to assure youve received the instructions for the upcoming steps of application. Instead you might want to incorporate an expert summary that states what you need to provide the employer for a candidate, instead of what youre searching for. Your contact information is fundamentally the very first thing your prospective employer will se e because its in the topmost aspect of your resume. Resumes offer the all important first impressions to an employer an applicant cant give during the first phase of the application practice. Professionally, our resumes are often the very first impression a possible employer gets of us. Resume Template Download at a Glance Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. It is simpler than you might think to compose a superb administrative resume that may let you find the job of your dreams. A personalised resume with fields developed to showcase all of your skill sets, work portfolio and a lot more. Things You Wont Like About Resume Template Download and Things You Will On the web site you will locate samples in addition to CV templates and models that may be downloaded at no charge. Make certain you have replaced each of the information from the template with your own, personalized info. Courses vitae may be used to for an academic education whilst a resume can be employed to obtain work opening. Whether youre writing your very first curriculum vitae or revising a recent CV, a template can be quite useful. Choose a specific position which you would love to submit an application for so youre going to be easily guided by what things to put in your resume. You can also alter the font if you wish (and the exact same goes for every single template in our list). If you would like to add more info, you might prefer a more text-oriented template. Pick the template you would like to use and click OK. Users can go to the site and download templates. It is possible to conserve the templates in the existent folders or youll be able to make a new folder. What is Truly Happening with Resume Template Download No matter what kind of work youre searching for, the Gabriella professional resume template is an excellent selection. S how employers that youre current and make a terrific first impression by selecting the proper template. Attempt to keep the resume no longer than 1 page, especially if youre asking for an entry-level job. Templates may be used for making CV, resume as a way to apply for jobs. No matter your own name, your main matter of expertise should be large, bold, and close to the upper layer of the internet page. Youre able to leave every one of them as is or customize a small bit so as to bring a personal touch to the presentation of your candidacy. Make sure you receive the information youre looking for. There are lots of beautiful resume templates out there, but nevertheless, it can be simple to feel as a lot of the greatest cost a ridiculous quantity of money, require special design programs in order to edit, or both.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How To Avoid A Slow Hiring Process

How To Avoid A Slow Hiring ProcessSamantha Lambert from BFMweb w/tips on how to speed up your hiringClick To TweetIn the 16th episode of The Recruiting Reel, Samantha Lambert, Director of philanthropisch Resources at Blue Fountain Media, provides actionable tips for what to do when you have a slow hiring process. Heres the transcriptJosh TolanHey everyone, my name is Josh Tolan and Im the founder and CEO of Spark Hire, the leading video interviewing platform used by thousands of organizations around the world.And this is The Recruiting Reel, a video series in which we discuss real recruiting challenges with prominent recruiting experts so you walk away with actionable tips you can apply to your own recruiting.I am very excited to welcome Samantha Lambert to the show today. She is currently the Director of Human Resources at Blue Fountain media and she brings a wealth of recruiting and HR experience to the show.You may have also seen herbei quoted on various media outlets such as Recr uiter.com, Business News Daily, Mediabistro, and the Spark Hire blog.We asked Samantha about some of the things that are slowing down the hiring process and what you can do to prevent that from happening and this was her responseSamantha LambertHi there, my name is Samantha Lambert and I am the Director of Human Resources here at Blue Fountain Media a full service digital marketing agency. Im here to share my thoughts on recruitment, what slows it down, and what you can do to streamline the process. Decision making. Decision making slows down recruitment. Depending on how many rounds of interviews take place, organizations can and will miss out on top talent and top choice for hire if the process drags too long. I suggest implementing group interviews, or quick intro-views as I like to call them. Thats when the hiring manager allows some face time between their team and the candidate to help assess their fit. When you have buy in for a majority of those you work with, a decision wil l come faster. Its also the best way to maintain or create that team dynamic and go the distance. After all, thats what all organizations aim for.Thank youJosh TolanYES The interviewing phase of the hiring process is where some teams will thrive and but many will falter. Without structured collaboration, decisions not only take longer to make, but youre also probably going to end up with the wrong fit.This is why I love the concept of intro-views. And, I think you can actually take it a step further by adding one-way video interviews to your process.I know, I know, shameless plugbut, many organizations are using one-way video interviews as a way to involve key hiring stakeholders without needing to align schedules because everybody can watch the video interviews when its convenient for them.Now, youre benefitting from the collaboration aspect of the intro-view concept while also taking advantage of the speed that the one-way video interview provides.I want to thank Samantha Lambert for coming on todays show. I encourage everybody to connect with her on LinkedIn. Also, follow her company, Blue Fountain Media on Twitter BFMweb.Thank you so much for watching this episode of The Recruiting Reel. For additional HR and recruiting related content, head over to hr.sparkhire.com and subscribe to our newsletter. Also, follow us on Twitter, sparkhire. And subscribe to our YouTube channel to be the first to know about the newest episodes of The Recruiting Reel.Thanks again for watching and happy recruiting everyone

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Adultery and Punitive Elements of the UCMJ

Adultery and Punitive Elements of the UCMJAdultery and Punitive Elements of the UCMJAdultery is a rather difficult and ugly process to prove in a military court of law. In most states civilian court, this act is not illegal, but in some states it is a Class B Misdemeanor. Within the military it is also against the Uniform Code of Military Justice and can be punishable by fines and jail time if processed and proven. The Big Question? If you are legally separated and begin dating while in the military, can you get in trouble for adultery? This is a common question for people in uniform because the legal process of divorcing can take months or even years, and the answer is complicated. Given the ambiguity of the terms laid out by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), there is always be the kompetenzprofil for criminal liability and the only 100 percent safe course of action is to wait until a court has granted you a divorce before undertaking a sexual relationship. In most c ases within the military, this rule is typically enforced when adultery is within the chain of command and other charges like fraternization can be added when married members of the military (officer or enlisted) cheat on their spouses with each other while serving together. The militarys prohibition on adultery is stated in Article 134 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice which makes adultery a crime when legal criteria, known as elements, have all been met. There are three specific elements Adultery and Article 134 of the UCMJ Elements (1) That the accused wrongfully had sexual intercourse with a certain person (2) That, at the time, the accused or the other person was married to someone else and (3) That, under the circumstances, the conduct of the accused was to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or was of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces. The first two elements are self-explanatory the third is more complex. The explanation pa rte of Article 134 identifies several factors military commanders should consider, including whether the soldier or his or her sexual partner were legally separated. A legal separation involves a signed a formal separation agreement with a spouse or a court-ordered of separation issued by the state. While being legally separated weighs into whether a sexual relationship violates Article 134, it is not the only consideration. Article 134 explanations identifies other factors for commanders including The rank and position of the parties involvedThe impact on the military unitThe potential misuse of government time or resources to facilitate the prohibited conductWhether the adulterous act was accompanied by other UCMJ violations Adultery and Article 134 of the UCMJ Explanation (1) Nature of offense. Adultery is clearly unacceptable conduct, and it reflects adversely on the tafelgeschirr record of the military member. (2) Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline or of a nat ure to bring discredit upon the armed forces. To constitute an offense under the UCMJ, the adulterous conduct must either be directly prejudicial to good order and discipline or service discrediting. Adulterous conduct that is directly prejudicial includes conduct that has an obvious, and measurably divisive effect on unit or organization discipline, morale, or cohesion, or is clearly detrimental to the authority or stature of or respect toward a servicemember. Adultery may also be service discrediting, even though the conduct is only indirectly or remotely prejudicial to good order and discipline. Discredit means to injure the reputation of the armed forces and includes adulterous conduct that has a tendency, because of its open or notorious nature, to bring the service into disrepute, make it subject to public ridicule, or lower it in public esteem. While adulterous conduct that is private and discreet in nature may not be service discrediting by this standard, under the circumst ances, it may be determined to be conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. Commanders should consider all relevant circumstances, including but not limited to the following factors, when determining whether adulterous acts are prejudicial to good order and discipline or are of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces (a) The accuseds marital status, military rank, grade, or position (b) The co-actors marital status, military rank, grade, and position, or relationship to the armed forces (c) The military status of the accuseds spouse or the spouse of co-actor, or their relationship to the armed forces (d) The impact, if any, of the adulterous relationship on the ability of the accused, the co-actor, or the spouse of either to perform their duties in hilfestellung of the armed forces (e) The misuse, if any, of government time and resources to facilitate the commission of the conduct (f) Whether the conduct persisted despite counseling or orders to desist the flagran cy of the conduct, such as whether any notoriety ensued and whether the adulterous act was accompanied by other violations of the UCMJ (g) The negative impact of the conduct on the units or organizations of the accused, the co-actor or the spouse of either of them, such as a detrimental effect on unit or organization morale, teamwork, and efficiency (h) Whether the accused or co-actor was legally separated and (i) Whether the adulterous misconduct involves an ongoing or recent relationship or is remote in time. (3) Marriage A marriage exists until it is dissolved in accordance with the laws of a competent state or foreign jurisdiction. (4) Mistake of fact A defense of mistake of fact exists if the accused had an honest and reasonable belief either that the accused and the co-actor were both unmarried, or that they were lawfully married to each other. If this defense is raised by the evidence, then the burden of proof is upon the United States to establish that the accuseds belief w as unreasonable or not honest..

Friday, November 22, 2019

8 Career Lessons I Learned From a Toddler Roommate -The Muse

8 Career Lessons I Learned From a Toddler Roommate -The Muse8 Career Lessons I Learned From a Toddler RoommateTo start, Im not a parent. I opted in to a commune-style Brooklyn home I found on Craigslist, and I live with a young couple and their two-year-old, Ilya.Ive now been living there for one year and I can confidently say its one of the best decisions Ive ever made. Because in my time living with a kid, Ive come to a few realizations about my own life and career. 1. Dont Hold a GrudgeOne time, a happy Ilya purposely walked into my room, stepped into my shoes, and began to cutely plod around the apartment. Since these were my nice shoes, I grabbed them back and tossed them into my room for safety. His immediate response- as expected- was a roaring scream that echoed through the house as I left for work. However, I returned a few hours later to find a surprisingly calmer Ilya and received a loving greeting of, Dannnn. Id expected some form of a cold shoulder, yet not even a hint o f it lingered- he was as happy to see me as ever.Why let a past grievance stick with you? It may feel good in the short time to nurse some hurt, but in the long run, its an energy suck. 2. Ask for What You WantIt may feel weird to put yourself first- it does for me. This isnt the case for Ilya. If he wants my carrots and hummus, hell let me know. If he wants me or my adult roommates to read him a book, hell tell us. He wants us to dance around to The Beach Boys? Done.Even though my wants may be a tad mora complex than Ilyas, its imperative I ask for them boldly. Without asking, its simply silly to expect them to happen on their own. After all, The Giving Tree isnt going to read itself.3. Dont Be Afraid to NegotiateToddlers like to be thrown in the air. Ill do it for Ilya for a bit, and then get tired and stop- but hell immediately want more. The conversation usually looks something like thisHim More. Me No, Im tired.Him More.Me Okay, one more.Him Five more.Me No, just one more.Him F ive more.Me Okay, just five.Stick to your guns. If youll only settle for five of something, ask for that- and walk away if its not going to happen. I plan to immediately apply this to my sales conversations (but Ill hold off on the tantrum if it doesnt work out).4. Be AdaptableCommune life is not for the faint-hearted. With people coming and going, the doors are always open (or unlocked), and all are welcome. But Ilya adjusted to this lifestyle seamlessly. New people in the apartment arent shocking to him, but instead possibly offer some new form of entertainment. At work, youre not just constantly dealing with new people, but also new problems, scenarios, and questions that pop up. Learning to be more flexible has kept me lighter on my feet and more capable to pivot from one problem to the next. Ive become more receptive to change, which is essential when ambiguity is the one constant at the kind of startup company I work at.5. Be Kind to YourselfWhat I soon learned after spending time with Ilya is that babies dont need a reason to cry- they just do. Feeling lousy is okay. Positive self-talk is all well and good, until it leads to a feeling of inadequacy when you feel down. This then leads to internal judgements- and now youve just become upset over being upset Ive become better at accepting my feelings without judging them. I embrace my crappy days along with my good days, and thats fine by me.6. Appreciate Your FamilyIm blessed to have both of my parents still alive and healthy. As a toddler, Im sure Ilya doesnt think about that. What he does think about is, Wheres Mom? every time she walks away or closes a door.I no longer behave in the same way, but I do recognize that the time we have with the ones we love is limited, so the moments we do spend with family should be cherished. Not quite a career tip, but essential for long-term happiness- inside and outside of work.7. Say NoIf youre offered something that doesnt benefit you, be direct and say no. After a ll, time and energy are fleeting. Ilya says no like a pro. Want to put on this jacket? No. Want to go to sleep? No. Say goodbye No. He likes to remain in control. Ive used this to minimize the chance that someones requests will control my day. Instead, I own it.8. frage DownTo reuse a well-worn metaphor, when a child is learning to walk and falls 50 times, they never think to themselves, Maybe this isnt for me. Living with a baby reminds me that screwing up is not just essential for growth, it can also be fun. As I close in on my third decade of life, being a complete novice at something is stimulating. If its been too long since Ive made a mistake, I begin to worry my growth has stagnated. Taking an attitude like Ilyas to the workplace means when a poor call or embarrassing mistake is made (which it will be), the best way to respond is to recognize it and try, try again.Were surrounded by opportunities to observe, learn, and grow day in and day out- whether its from our roommate, t he cheery cashier at the supermarket, or even the screaming baby on the overcrowded train. All you have to do is open your eyes to them.(But, if its the screaming baby youve chosen to learn from, I can tell you from experience it may be best to do your studying from the opposite side of the train car.)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The 5 biggest mistakes people make when looking for a new job

The 5 biggest mistakes people make when looking for a new jobThe 5 biggest mistakes people make when looking for a new jobThey apply for jobs online with mass production speed, using the same resumeSlow down. Recruiters and talent acquisition professionals get an overwhelming number of applicants for each open position and must eliminate most of them. Your resume only stands out from the slush pile as a keeper when the hiring manager can 1) tell that you understand the mission and goals of their organization, 2) have aligned your past experience with the role at hand, 3) have positioned at least one distinct It-Factor that intrigues them.Fashion your resume with the detail of a fine tailor. Reference organizational qualities youve learned from the website. Site news on the company or industry that youve researched online. Position internal contacts youve developed on LinkedIn and elsewhere as advocates to give you insight into the culture and to open a door for you.They limit their s earch to the same industry and same size companyIts human nature to stay with what is comfortable. But often people underrate their viability to switch professions because they dont realize their transferable talents. Identify your transferable skills and the industries where they bring value. (Here is a free training course on transferable skills.) Then start conversations with people who work in those industries to broaden your familiarity with the company, industry language and culture.They do bedrngnis prepare for the interviewI have had clients interview for roles where the final candidate had already been identified yet they secured the job because they wowed the team on the interview. And I have seen people who have clearly been qualified for a role fail to win the job because of their inept interview skills. Make sure you have good questions to ask. Be able to tell a story about what youve learned through the trials and triumphs of your career. Show dont tell.I am really goo d at building relationships is subjective. When I started in my career I thought everyone worked the way I do and that management would be easy. I thought I could just define the vision and get out of their way. That wasnt enough. I began to realize the diversity of generations, cultures and personality traits on my team and that I needed to see each member as an individual.I learned the value of meeting with them regularly and tying what we are doing to their personal goals. That is why my attrition is only 6% and we exceeded goals last year by 11%. Thats objective. Thats a story.They dont have a 30-60-90-day plan for the roleWhen you look for a new job your first challenge is notlage impressing them with how great you are. They wont believe you anyway. It is first convincing them that you are resourceful enough to figure out what you need to do to be successful. Too often candidates like to boast of their accomplishments without context of what else contributed to their success.Hi ring managers want to know that in an imperfect environment you can succeed. Show them that you understand some of the challenges of the company or industry, that you will interview key people in the first 30 days, what you project as short-term wins, and what long-term strategy is required to meet your vision. Create a professional plan on paper for the interview.They havent built their tribeYour tribe is your support network. It is the people in your sphere of influence who advocate and prop you up when you need it and catch you when you fall. Tribes are how we as humans escaped extinction over time. They keep us safe and help us to thrive. We are stronger together than alone. This means that you must also prop others up and catch them as well.Servant leadership underpins a vibrant tribe. Every CEO role I ever secured was due in part to the influence of my tribe. I won the roles based on my own ability. But I got in the door because of my tribe. Build your tribe at networking even ts, by deep listening in conversations, participating in discussions on LinkedIn, caring about people, and meeting with key people who you admire.Ask yourself, How can I serve this person? The payoff is downthe road.Good peoplewill want to serve you in return.