Saturday, July 25, 2020

Who will be the next Secretary of Labor for Obama - Workology

Who will be the next Secretary of Labor for Obama Who will be the next Secretary of Labor for Obama? Yesterday, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis made the rather surprising (and somewhat late) announcement that she was resigning from the Obama administration.   Solis had been the first, and only, Hispanic woman in a top Cabinet post in the Obama administration.   She was also viewed as a friend to labor unions and organized labor. Who will be the next Secretary of Labor for Obama? President Obama hailed Solis, as “a tireless champion for working families” during “the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression.” In a statement Wednesday, the president said that “her efforts have helped train workers for the jobs of the future, protect workers’ health and safety and put millions of Americans back to work.” AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said Solis brought urgently needed change to the Department of Labor, putting the U.S. government firmly on the side of working families. From the AFL-CIO blog: Under Secretary Solis, the Labor Department became a place of safety and support for workers. Secretary Solis’s Department of Labor talks tough and acts tough on enforcement, workplace safety, wage and hour violations and so many other vital services. Secretary Solis never lost sight of her own working-class roots, and she always put the values of working families at the center of everything she did. We hope that her successor will continue to be a powerful voice both within the Obama administration and across the country for all of America’s workers. President Obama will need to add another new person to his cabinet to  lead the Labor department.      Speculation amongst wags and pundits has already started, including the suggestion from Twitter that the next DOL head will be Trumka himself. Here are a few names that you may hear in the coming days as possible nominees  for the next Secretary of Labor. Andy Stern  is the former head of the SEIU and Change to Win, and has been a trusted advisor to Obama for many years. Mary Kay Maxwell was previously rumored to be a serious candidate for Secretary of Labor for the Obama administration before the selection of Solis. She would have been the first openly lesbian cabinet secretary.   Naming her might help to defray recent criticism about the lack of diversity in new Cabinet appointments. Wilma Liebman is another possibility. Liebman  is best known for serving as a Member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). She was designated Chair of the Board by President Obama  on January 20, 2009, becoming only the second woman to lead the NLRB. Craig Becker is not a likely candidate, but would create histrionics throughout Washington if he were to be nominated. Regardless of who President Obama ultimately selects the head of DOL, it is an absolute certainty that they will have a background that is rooted in the labor movement, and will  be tasked  with managing  the same issues and concerns that confronted Ms. Solis.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Five Questions to Ask Your Interviewer - Hallie Crawford

Five Questions to Ask Your Interviewer While getting ready for a meeting, the vast majority center around the inquiries that may be posed of them and how they will reply. In any case, another key component of a prospective employee meet-up ought to likewise be scrutinizing the questioner themselves. For what reason would you meet the questioner? Initially, its as critical to you all things considered to your likely business. You have to know whether the activity is a solid match for your aptitudes, abilities and work style. Second, if there is a perfect work circumstance that you imagine for yourself, right now is an ideal opportunity to see whether this is somewhat place. Third, in the event that you were disappointed with your last employment, you can learn if things will be the equivalent in this new spot. This is the ideal opportunity to pose inquiries, and discover the appropriate responses you look for! So the individual who is doing the recruiting has completed the process of giving you the full drill. Presently its your turn. What would you like to know? Let me offer some guidance that I regularly give my profession instructing customers. Here are five key inquiries to pose: Question #1: Can you portray the workplace? In the event that conceivable, discover what number of individuals youll be answering to. Inquire as to whether you can be acquainted with your future chief on the off chance that you havent as of now. Discover what number of individuals make up the quick division and in what ways will you collaborate with them. Attempt to open up a discussion about the general scene of the work environment, and the organization culture what is a run of the mill average day for somebody who holds this position? Ask your questioner that inquiry as well! Question #2: What kinds of duties will be anticipated from me? Be careful with open-finished employment titles which can include essentially anything. You may be under the feeling that the showcasing facilitator does things like run and examine reports, oversee promoting efforts and things of that nature. Afterwards on, you find that your activity obligations incorporate editing and setting up gatherings, neither of which you appreciate or exceed expectations at! Discover the subtleties before you settle on a choice. Question #3: Is there potential for development? Numerous organizations have what is known as the unfair limitation where you have only a couple of chances to progress expertly, and afterward out of nowhere you hit a boundary and cant go any higher. Its one thing to get an increase in salary consistently. Yet, in the event that youre everlastingly stuck in a similar activity with similar obligations, it may not merit making the responsibility. See if the organization youre intrigued by offers preparing programs for future initiative positions. Inquire as to whether there are openings in zones where you can create significant abilities that you can take with you on the way of vocation advancement. Question #4: Can you enlighten me regarding representative advantages, day off strategy, excursions and such? This one ought to be put something aside for the subsequent meeting, accepting there will be one. A few bosses discover it off-putting when possibilities appear to be excessively excited about taking get-away before theyre even employed. By the by, these are altogether genuine inquiries that are significant when gauging your choices between various conceivably remunerating occupations. Question #5: Will there be any movement included? To certain individuals, travel is a remunerating part of their vocation. Yet, to other people, things like being in a new city and dealing with your time between flights, lodging registration, gatherings and exchange shows can be distressing. So discover early: what amount travel, assuming any, will be included and under what conditions? Do you discover travel an invigorating piece of working together? Fantastic. However, on the off chance that you feel that movement could adversely affect your activity execution, dont acknowledge the offer regardless of how luring the compensation. Theres a superior fit out there for you! Numerous individuals go into the meeting trusting and imploring the organization thinks theyre the opportune individual for the activity. In any case, they are overlooking that its similarly as imperative to discover, Is this activity the correct one for me? Better to gain proficiency with the appropriate response in advance. Recollect a prospective employee meeting is a two-way road. Benefit as much as possible from yours. All the best for a fulfilling and satisfying vocation doing what you love! Quest for new employment Help

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Hiring Professional Resume Writing Services

Hiring Professional Resume Writing ServicesHiring professional resume writing services is very much a valid option for employers, if they are looking to boost their candidate's chances of being hired for the job. Such services will look after the formatting and content of the resume of your employee, which will result in a positive first impression on the hiring manager's part.The resume of an employee needs to be meticulously prepared, because the employer will definitely need to refer to it before he/she decides to take the applicant on for the interview. Hiring resume writing services, who have specialised in all kinds of resumes, can make your job easier. They will do all the required research on your resume and be able to present it properly to your employer in the best possible manner. Moreover, they will be able to provide the most appropriate formatting for you, so that it will suit his/her specifications and requirements.Hiring professional resume writing services can also s erve as a link between you and the potential employer. You can ask them to send your resume to his/her colleagues or superior, so that it can be reviewed by more than one person. In most cases, employers will want to get the opinion of two or three people before they accept the application. Hiring resume writing services can help you reach this goal.An employer can get a glimpse of your credentials in a resume in a number of ways. He/she can read the entire document in full. Alternatively, you can also use the following tips for creating a credible and professional resume. These are easy and simple to follow and will help to significantly improve your chances of being hired.You can include your name at the top of the resume. This will increase your chances of being noticed when it comes to the interviewer. All applicants need to do is write their name at the top of the resume. While reading the resume, you need to concentrate on the 'Name, Address, Telephone Number' section, followe d by the 'Education, Training, or Experience'.The next thing you need to do is ensure that you include a cover letter. A cover letter is not really mandatory, but it helps a lot in making the resume stand out. You need to write the letter well and professionally. A well-written cover letter will make it easier for you to build good rapport with the hiring manager. When the hiring manager sees that your resume is not only well formatted, but that it is well written as well, he/she will appreciate your efforts.The employer is likely to look at the cover letter, in the same way as he/she looks at the resume. The cover letter must clearly show how you can contribute to the company and the area of employment. It must be personalized and avoid all grammatical errors. You should strive to show in the cover letter that you are ready to take on the challenge of the job. Your resume will become effective only if you show that you are qualified for the job.Once you have submitted your resume t o the employer, the interview will start immediately. Hiring professional resume writing services will not only make sure that the resume will be accepted, but they will also make sure that the interviewer reads and responds to the resume properly. Hiring resume writing services will also make sure that your resume gets a great response from the hiring manager. If the resume gets a positive response from the hiring manager, it will definitely increase your chances of being hired.

Friday, July 3, 2020

How to become a Courier

How to become a Courier Thinking about becoming a Courier? On your bike… Couriers transport messages, packages and other goods between individuals, making sure all cargo is delivered to recipients safely and securely.They might travel locally, nationally, or even internationally, depending on the company they work for, and could use various modes of transport to reach their destination, including planes, trains and automobiles. And, you know, bicycles. And trucks. And trams. And…well, you get the point.Couriers are also often needed to deliver their goods speedily, from door-to-door, especially as their cargo could include anything from important documents through to urgently needed medical supplies.Day-to-day duties for a Courier could include:Picking up items and planning routesReceiving, and sticking to, delivery schedulesTravelling between destinationsVerifying delivery information and signing documentsTaking payments for deliveries and completing paperworkIs it right for me?You’ll need excellent organisation skills, as well as an in depth knowledge of local roads and geographical locations, in order to become a Courier.Additionally, you’ll often be working on your own, and travelling for long periods without supervision. Using your initiative, especially when working to strict timescales, will be similarly key.Some positions may also require a valid UK driving license as a prerequisite.Other key skills for a Courier include:The ability to work to strict deadlinesExcellent interpersonal skillsReliability and trustworthinessCo-cooperativenessA good work ethicA general level of physical fitnessCareer Progression Entry level CourierUp to £14,000 CourierUp to £24,000 Specialist CourierUp to £30,000What's it really like? Being a Courier is about more than simply being a delivery driver. The stuff I transport could be anything from an urgently needed passport or legal documents, through to the incredible. Things like vital organs even (seriously). So keeping things organise d and on-time can be of critical importance. Life-changing even. And, from my point of view, I get to be out in my van, working on my own and under my own guidance. There’s even the opportunity to own my own business, once I’ve got some good experience and money behind me. And you don’t get that when you’re a Postman… Get qualifiedYou don’t need any specific qualifications in order to become a Courier. However, you may need a valid UK driving license if you’re looking to travel by car, and a basic knowledge of your area may be beneficial if you’re looking to work locally. Many companies may also offer apprenticeships for Couriers.